Institutional Equities

Our strength lies in providing seamless broking platform. We provide a comprehensive platform of research, sales, sales trading, and corporate access that delivers valuable market insights and trading services to institutional clients.



We provide a rich slate of research products that includes in-depth sector and company-specific reports, key event updates, a daily morning digest, a wider theme, and trend-based analyses ā€“ all backed by exhaustive research and detailed financial modelling. You can access our research reports at


Our senior and well-experienced sales team ensures quality advisory to institutional clients, be it for research ideas/ investment banking deals as well as providing quality and differentiated insights and corporate access so that clients can benefit from the macro, global, and industry perspectives.

Sales Trading

Senior teams on both the cash and derivatives desk use updated technology and software systems, which include high-end Algos-based/ Bloomberg fix trading/ order routing and Direct Market Access (DMA) to service our growing base of institutional clients. This is marked by quality execution and settlement support.

The Team

Girish Pai
Head - Institutional Research
Kashyap Mehta
Head - Institutional Sales & Trading